5 Considerations When Installing Covid-19 Screens
There’s no denying that companies the world over are feeling the consequences of Covid-19. In the aftermath of the global pandemic, many businesses are having to adapt to keep their staff and customers safe.
A common new addition is the installation of Covid-19 screens. These screens or sneeze guards are made of perspex and minimise the transferral of germs between people.
If your business requires significant interaction between people, you might be considering installing some of your own Covid-19 screens. Here are 5 things you should consider to ensure you get the right screens for your business.
1. Requirements of your business
Firstly, think about what your business actually does. What are your daily operations? What tasks need to be undertaken? How do people interact with each other? Starting with the purpose of your business will guarantee that the screens you install support your business and make it safer, rather than hindering operations.
2. Consequences of ill-fitting screens
Next, consider the impact of ill-fitting screens on your business. What features could potentially have a negative impact on your business? Are there certain aspects that will make it difficult or impossible for staff to do their job? At Betta Wardrobes, we don’t just specialise in custom wardrobes. We provide customised solutions for all of our products, including Covid-19 screens, and will work to design protective screens that are both effective and functional.
3. Technical elements of the screens
The materials used to build Covid-19 screens will depend on your business and its unique requirements. For instance, companies that require heightened security may opt for screens made from toughened glass. Other organisations might need tinted glass to reduce glare in the workplace. We will work with you to understand your requirements and then make recommendations on the best materials and technical elements for your business.
4. The way documents are exchanged
If your business requires the regular exchange of documents or other items, consider the manner in which these objects are transferred from one person to another. You will need screens that still allow the easy transfer of objects, otherwise they will simply irritate staff and customers.
5. Storage and cutouts
Finally, consider the placement of these screens and the operations that need to occur within their vicinity. This will guide choices around specific cutouts and storage. Some companies will require extensive storage, while others might focus on a design that allows for easy interaction between people.
A little pre-planning goes a long way in ensuring the Covid-19 screens you install will work for your business. That being said, we understand the process can be daunting and there is a lot to think about. For assistance give us a call at Betta Wardrobes to discuss your screen options. We are more than happy to have a conversation to talk through your requirements and provide expert recommendations, you can also contact us on 1300 662 966 for any of your built-in or custom wardrobe needs.
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